All spectators and small children must remain in the designated area that each gym has for the crowd. At no time should anyone be on the court prior to the game start since this is the time for the players to warm up. Nor should anyone be on the court throughout the duration of the game.
Any parent that attends the game is responsible for any children or guests that come with them. Any behavior issues must be addressed immediately.
As for home games, all spectators and small children must remain either in the stands, on the stage front, or in the all purpose room area. No one should be down on the court during warm ups, in between sets, quarters or half time periods.
No objects should be thrown on the court at anytime. This is a safety precaution as well as can be a distraction.
During a serve in Volleyball or foul shots in Basketball, from either team, there should be silence.
In the past, spectators have been asked to leave by the referees due to poor sportsmanship conduct. Please do not allow this to occur, it is an embarrassment to the players, parents and our school. Positive encouragement to the athletes is recommended.
Please remember courtesy for both teams, the referees and the fans. This is the time for the athletes to enjoy their sport.
Thank You,