Nursery, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten
The grades K-8 SWS Physical Education Curriculum is a cohesive set of unique units & themes that support instruction from one grade level to the next. The units have been developed as building blocks of skills and concepts that create opportunities for students to try new sports and activities throughout the school year. All units are made up of a blended set of standards and cumulative progress indicators that fully encapsulate the major ideas and themes behind the units. The units will progress from basic movement education to developing and applying manipulative skills in areas such as physical fitness, cooperative games, sports, individual & team skills development.
Grades K-4 Curriculum Overview
The K-4 physical education's primary goal is to develop students' fundamental movement skills within a variety of developmentally appropriate games, activities, sports and fitness! The units aim to enhance students' personal fitness and provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in a variety of physical activities. Personal and social responsibility, self-directed learning, and problem solving skills are also reinforced throughout the K-5 physical education curriculum. This year we are looking forward to introducing pickleball skills, the parachute, the popular holiday themed fitness stations for halloween, thanksgiving & christmas time! floorball, baseball skills & strategies, games and more! We also end the school year gearing up for field day as a culminating showcase of all of the skills learned throughout the school year!
Grades 5-8 Curriculum Overview
The middle school (Grades 6-8) physical education program strives to develop students' personal fitness and skill-related abilities. The program reinforces students' understanding and application of fitness concepts and motor skills through a variety of movement forms. The program also aims to develop students' personal and social responsibility, self-management skills, and ability to make informed choices. The overall goal of this program is to enhance students' attitude toward leading a physically active lifestyle not only at school but outside of school and beyond. This year we are looking forward to cooperative games, volleyball, floorball, continuing our skill building of pickleball strategies, baseball & softball skills and more! We also end the school year gearing up for field day as a culminating showcase of all of the skills learned throughout the school year!
ELA Response to Intervention
Grades K-4 Curriculum Overview
How exciting and fortunate is it to have Spanish in Grades K-4!
Grades Kindergarten through fourth will be using The Acquire, Develop, Learn™ methodology. This method provides students with a developmentally appropriate and comprehensive Spanish language education. Through music and verse, games, role play and drama, calendar activities, reading authentic literature, and art projects, students will be enabled to become effective Spanish communicators, globally literate citizens, and lifelong language learners. All of these activities are done in a consistent structure of circle time, storytime, and art time.
Grades 5 & 6 Curriculum Overview
Our Spanish curriculum for 5th and 6th graders aims to create a stimulating and supportive learning environment where students can build confidence, competence, and a genuine interest in the Spanish language and culture. In grades 5 and 6, students will explore the diverse cultures of Spanish-speaking countries through interactive projects, presentations, and multimedia resources. Topics include traditional celebrations, customs, geography, and historical figures.
Spanish 7 marks the beginning of students’ formal Spanish program. Following the New York State Standards and Diocesan guidelines, students will begin with a review of important vocabulary and lessons from grades five and six such as greetings, colors, numbers, days of the week, months, etc. Students will be introduced to grammatical structures such as articles, adjectives, nouns, and verbs. By the end of the first trimester, the students will have mastered two verbs, ser and tener. Throughout the remaining two trimesters, they will learn all of the three verb families in the present tense along with a large amount of vocabulary. By the end of seventh grade, the students will be able to read and comprehend simple stories. They will also be able to have basic conversations and construct sentences. Finally, the students will gain an appreciation for various Hispanic cultures and their customs and holidays from around the world. The students are evaluated through tests, projects, performance tasks, class work, quizzes, and homework.
LOTE-Spanish Grade 8
The 8th-grade Spanish curriculum is designed to build upon foundational language skills while fostering a deeper understanding of Hispanic cultures. This year, students will enhance their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing through engaging and interactive activities. Students will expand their knowledge of Spanish through the study of complex grammar such as direct object pronouns, indirect object pronouns, and demonstrative and superlative adjectives. Students will also learn two new tenses, the preterite tense and the present progressive as well as reflexive verbs and their pronouns. An impressive vocabulary stockpile will be amassed throughout the year. Fluency will be targeted through listening drills while communication skills are utilized by writing conversations and presenting them to the class. Students will also continue to explore and gain an appreciation for various Hispanic cultures and their customs and holidays from around the world such as Our Lady of Guadalupe, El Día de los Muertos, and Cinco de Mayo. In grade eight, the students learn The Our Father and The Hail Mary in Spanish. The curriculum follows the New York State Standards and Diocesan guidelines. The students are evaluated through tests, projects, performance tasks, class work, quizzes, and homework.