I graduated from SUNY Old Westbury with a double major in Mathematics and Adolescent Math Education.
I earned my Master's Degree from Molloy University.
Favorite Saint St. Gabriel
Favorite Quote “You may face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated” by Maya Angelou.
Favorite Book To Kill a Mockingbird By Harper Lee.
Welcome Parents of Regents Algebra Students!
Welcome to Algebra I. Algebra is a high school level class and all assessments, classwork, and homework will be at a high school level. Students will be given daily homework as well as weekend homework occasionally. Students will partake in a midterm in the middle of the year (January) as well as the NYS regents in June. Students are expected to come to class everyday prepared with their workbook, notebook and graphing calculator. Students are also expected to come to class on time so as to not miss any critical parts of the lesson. I am very excited to teach Algebra and am looking forward to a very successful year!